Instruments Used in a Dental Lab


A dental mirror is a tool dentists use to provide a good view of an oral cavity during an examination. An explorer or sickle probe is also a versatile instrument used to detect issues such as cavities, gum diseases, plaque, and calculus. Dentists use dental scalers to remove calculus and plaque from the surface of the teeth during a cleaning session.  Here is information elaborating more on various instruments used in a dental lab:

Dental Mirror

A dental mirror is used by dental practitioners to view an oral cavity and separate the tongue, lips, and cheeks for an accurate diagnosis. This tool exposes the interior of the mouth so that the specialist can conduct proper examination and treatment. It also reflects light to the operated area and provides a clear image to enable the dentist to see areas requiring further attention.

Sickle Probe

An explorer is a sharp-shaped tool with an extended handle used to evaluate the depth of the pockets around teeth. It aids in the examination of cavities and enables experts to know the right treatment to apply to the tooth. Dentists also use this instrument during regular scaping sessions to remove plaque buildup from the teeth.


A scale features a curved end and a thin handle and helps remove tartar and plaque from the teeth. The specialist directs the pointed end above the patient’s gumline and the curved end on the lower side. The curved end is blunt to avoid injuring the soft tissues of the gumline. Some automatic scalers feature a metal tip that vibrates and removes the tartar from the teeth above the gumline. Your provider may then use a manual scale to eliminate any tartar that remains on the teeth.

Syringe and Drill

A dentist uses a syringe to administer an anesthetic drug, enabling them to numb the area and perform various procedures without inflicting pain on a patient. This tool delivers the numbing agent to the treatment area. The dentist adds the anesthetic carpule into the barrel, uses the thumb ring to control the movement of the syringe, and pushes the piston rod to release the drug through the needle.

A drill is a handheld electric-powered tool that dentists use to remove decay from teeth. Dentists use this tool mostly when performing cosmetic procedures on teeth and altering prostheses. The instrument has several components that function together for better results. The handpiece is where the motor is located, and its function is to generate power. This enables the drill bit to make holes in teeth and prepare them for fillings and crowns.

Suction Tool

A suction is a dental lab tool that collects saliva from the mouth during a dental procedure. By removing saliva, blood, and other fluids, a dentist can have a clear view of the treatment area. The tool has a curved feature for accessing different areas of the mouth and removing obstructions.


A dental mold is an impression of a patient’s teeth that helps dentists prepare a diagnostic impression of the mouth. A specialist uses the mold to determine how your arches position in the mouth, evaluate the size of your teeth and establish their relationship with the gums. This helps them get a holistic view of your mouth. The cast is used in cosmetic dentistry procedures, such as when preparing crowns and dentures.

Get Dental Lab Instruments Today

A dentist uses multiple tools when performing procedures on patients. The mold, suction tool, drill, syringe, scale, sickle probe, and dental mirror are used in conjunction during a dental procedure. Dental lab instruments in a lab promote the proper functioning of a dental unit.


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