“Staff Only” Sign Features


In the age of the popularity of various checks and disclosures that we see on TV and the Internet, hotel guests and partners are beginning to wonder what is going on behind the sign “office zone/staff only”?

What are these locations and why are they usually hidden from outsiders? 

There are obvious reasons. For example, there are standard plans for the work of an institution providing services to people. According to these rules, there are staff areas in any hotel or office facility. 

These rooms usually have a “staff only” sign Thss signage and other items by Bsign store will be discussed further in the blog.

Staff Only Room: Specifics 

The hotel’s services and the exterior design of the areas are an integral part of the work to attract and retain customers. 

Upon arrival, most travelers are escorted by a hotel employee, it is he who represents the company, tells its story, describes services, and gives recommendations on places of rest, food, and so on. 

However, any hotel has so-called personnel-only areas. In the standards of hotel chains, there is no complete openness in this “private” zone about both partners and guests. There are physical restrictions and the need for sanitary and safe stay of non-hotel staff in these spaces.

What Should This Signage Be Like?

Here are some requirements for this type of sign:

  • Clear and concise message: The “Staff Only” signage informs about the restricted access policy to ensure the safety and confidentiality of your staff.
  • Compliance with the rules: This sign complies with the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 1996, ensuring that your business meets the required standards.
  • Durable and long-lasting: Made of high-quality materials, the Staff-only plate is designed for indoor and outdoor use, making it suitable for all conditions.
  • Easy to install: Due to the pre-drilled holes, this signage can be easily attached to walls, doors, or any other suitable surface.

Order a Staff Only Sign in Bsign

Ensure the restricted spaces are marked with a “Staff only” item. This plate is ideal for workplaces and businesses that want to control access to certain areas while keeping them exclusive to employees.

The information plate “Staff only” complies with the rules of occupational health and safety regulations, which makes it a reliable means of maintaining a safe working zone. By placing this signage in a prominent spot, you can inform your guests that certain areas are closed and only authorised personnel can enter.

Bsign Products Benefits for Customers

If you want your hotel or office center to be remembered by visitors at first glance, make a thoughtful design inside. Signage plays an important role in this sense. 

By choosing the Bsign store, you will get many benefits. Here are crucial points of this manufacturer: 

  • The leading supplier of office signage in the industry. The Bsign company has quickly established itself as one of the leading door signage providers.
  • Excellent customer service. You will find many pleasant reviews from customers on the Internet. They prove the company provides exceptional quality and customer experience.
  • Experience in the field of security signage. The company specialises in safety signage, ensuring that all products meet the necessary standards to ensure compliance and safety in your workplace.
  • Eco-friendly approach. All these signs are made from high-quality materials, which contributes to sustainable development in the future and compliance with high-quality standards.

Shop online today after viewing a wide range of protective signage, banners, and personalised plates on the Bsign website. Its competent and friendly team is ready to offer you the best solutions for your needs.


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